Deco-topping quartz mix Blue Quartz 40 ml

Deco-topping quartz mix Blue Quartz 40 ml
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Deco-topping quartz mix Blue Quartz 40 ml
Деко-топпинг кварцевый микс Голубой кварц 40 мл
Deco-topping quartz mix Blue Quartz 40 ml
Item No: FDDTQmix-05
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Deco-topping "Quartz mix" is a natural quartz particles sizes of 1-3.5 mm, painted in natural colors, which imitate semi-precious stones. With quartz mix deco-toppings you can make the final bright accents...  More

Deco-topping "Quartz mix" is a natural quartz particles sizes of 1-3.5 mm, painted in natural colors, which imitate semi-precious stones. With quartz mix deco-toppings you can make the final bright accents, as well as create unique backgrounds and effects in your craft. Apply as a powder on the glue, acrylic paint or textured paste. Also you can mix it with mediums and texture paste and applies through a stencil or spatula.


  • Do not give to children under 14 years.
  • Store life is unlimited.
  • Non-toxic.
  • Weight: 65g.
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