Medium acrylic, color White, 150ml

Medium acrylic, color White, 150ml
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Medium acrylic, color White, 150ml
Медиум акриловый белый, 150 мл
Medium acrylic, color White, 150ml
Item No: FDMW 150
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This medium acrylic white, 150ml is the perfect primer for your arts and crafts projects. Excellent for use on paper, wood, cardboard, fiberboard, particleboard, and fabrics, this matte white primer provides an ideal base for further work with sprays, texture pastes, and structure paints. Create stunning projects with this versatile medium acrylic white, perfect for any level of artistic skill!  More

"Medium acrylic white" applied as matte white primer for further work with sprays, texture pastes, texture paints on different surfaces, like paper, wood, cardboard, fiberboard, particleboard, fabrics. Also used as an independent agent for final or intermediate decorative coating of collages, art objects, chipboards, plaster and plastic decor. It has resist effect. May be used to create a light texture. It is used in scrapbooking and other forms of creativity. Application methods: brush, foam sponge, palette knife, roller.

Terms of use:

  • Apply at temperatures above +5C.
  • After use tools, containers and workplace rinse with warm water.
  • Store in a tightly closed container at a temperature above +5C.
  • After contact with skin wash off with warm water and soap.
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Vol.: 150ml
Manufactured by "Fabrika Decoru", Ukraine.

Important! This product cannot be shipped at a temperature below 0°C
FDMW 150
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