Wardrobe album "Oval shape XL"

Wardrobe album "Oval shape XL"
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Альбом-гардероб "Овальная форма XL"
Wardrobe album "Oval shape XL"Wardrobe album "Oval shape XL" - 0Wardrobe album "Oval shape XL" - 1Wardrobe album "Oval shape XL" - 2
Item No: FDPO-268
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Wardrobe album "Oval shape XL" designed to create a stylish, creative photo frame or wardrobe album. The kit can serve as a wonderful gift for a lover of creativity and handicrafts  More

Wardrobe album "Oval shape XL"

Creative DIY kit, which is intended for assembly and further decorating creative photo frame or album-wardrobe. It can be a great addition to the existing interior style of your room or its accent detail. The workpiece is made of high-quality HDF 3mm thick, which does not require additional sanding. Using various creative techniques, the workpiece can be painted, covered with texture pastes, sprays, or over with decoupage paper or napkins. We advise you to carry out all these processes after assembly.

How to assembly:

  • assemble the parts following the attached step-by-step guide; where it is necessary, use Deco Wood or Multi-purpose glue by Fabrika Decoru.

  • the assembled project can be decorated. It is recommended to cover a project with acrylic varnish after decoration.

IMPOPRTANT! Do not break the parts out of the base. Carefully cut the parts at the attaching points.

Dimensions: see the illustration.

Material: 3mm thick HDF


Do not give to children under 14

Note: some images are illustrations showing how you can decorate the blank.

Made by TM “Fabrika Decoru”, Ukraine

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