Gift Bag Creation Kit Peony Garden, DIY kit #8

Gift Bag Creation Kit Peony Garden, DIY kit #8
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Gift Bag Creation Kit Peony Garden, DIY kit #8Gift Bag Creation Kit Peony Garden, DIY kit #8 - 0
Набор для создания подарочных пакетов Peony Garden, Набор #8
Gift Bag Creation Kit Peony Garden, DIY kit #8Gift Bag Creation Kit Peony Garden, DIY kit #8 - 0
Item No: FDEBK-08
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If you create exclusive things, whether it's handmade candles or soaps, fluffy toys or photo albums, then consider making sure that the result of your work is properly presented and packaged! Keep creating and make your own, unique bag of the right size in minutes with the Fabrika Decoru Gift Bag Creation Kit.


If you create exclusive things, whether it's handmade candles or soaps, fluffy toys or photo albums, then consider making sure that the result of your work is properly presented and packaged! Keep creating and make your own, unique bag of the right size in minutes with the Fabrika Decoru Gift Bag Creation Kit.

The kit for creativity consists of:

  • Set of double-sided paper
  • Cord 3 m
  • Double-sided tape
  • Stickers for handles
  • Instruction

Instructions on how to make a gift package:

1) Stick two strips of tape along the edges on a sheet of paper
2) Glue two sheets of paper together to form a pipe
3) Flatten the pipe
4) Fold from 6 to 14 cm (depending on the size of the package) from the bottom
5) Fold the bottom from two sides as a triangle
6) Fold one of the parts of the bottom in the direction of the fold line with an overlap of 0.5 cm
7) Fold the second part of the bottom in the direction of the fold line with an overlap of 0.5 cm
8) Apply double-sided tape according to the scheme
9) Glue the bottom of the bag
10) You will get two diamond shapes at the bottom of the package
11-12) Fold the side part of the package to the middle of the diamonds
13) Unpack the package
14) Cut the cord into 2 pieces of 30 cm each. Stick stickers on the end of the cord.
15) Glue the stickers with laces to the inside part of the bag.

For more detailed information on assembling packages, scan the QR code and find the necessary video instruction on Fabrika Decoru YouTube channel.

Stay inspired!

Made in Ukraine. TM "Fabrika Decoru"

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