Decoupage high gloss finish varnish, 80ml, Fabrika Decoru

Decoupage high gloss finish varnish, 80ml, Fabrika Decoru

Decoupage high gloss finish varnish, 80ml, Fabrika Decoru
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Decoupage high gloss finish varnish, 80ml, Fabrika Decoru
Высокоглянцевый лак для декупажа 80мл
Decoupage high gloss finish varnish, 80ml, Fabrika Decoru
Item No: FDDSGV-80
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Transparent high gloss acrylic water based decoupage varnish “Decoupage high gloss finish varnish” is used to create a finish coat to protect an item from external factors influence.   More

Decoupage high gloss finish varnish

Transparent high gloss acrylic water based decoupage varnish “Decoupage high gloss finish varnish” is used to create a finish coat to protect an item from external factors influence. The varnish creates a solid high gloss coat with even shine. Apply it with a brush.


  • Do not freeze.
  • Storage conditions from +5 to +40°C
  • Do not give to children under 14 years.
  • The product is not under mandatory certification
  • Non-toxic
  • Package: 80 ml bottles

Made by TM “Fabrika Decoru”, Ukraine

Important! This product cannot be shipped at a temperature below 0°C!

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