Acrylic paint Olive 40 ml
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Acrylic paint Olive 40 mlAcrylic paint Olive 40 ml - 0
Акриловая краска Деко акрил Оливка 40 мл
Acrylic paint Olive 40 mlAcrylic paint Olive 40 ml - 0
Item No: FDAD 14
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All-purpose water-soluble decorative acrylic paint olive 40 ml is excellent for scrapbooking, decoupage, decorative work and various types of crafts. The paint can be applied to any surface: paper, card board, fiberboard, particle board, primed canvas, fabric, glass, plastic, primed metal, concrete, brick, plaster, natural stone, stucco.  More

All-purpose water-soluble decorative acrylic paint olive 40 ml is based on the acrylic and synthetic resins dispersion. It does not contain harmful substances and any heavy metal pigments. Excellent for scrapbooking, decoupage, decorative work and various types of crafts.

The paint can be applied to any surface: paper, card board, fiberboard, particle board, primed canvas, fabric, glass, plastic, primed metal, concrete, brick, plaster, natural stone, stucco. Has a very faint odor and becomes water-resistant when dries. The paints are elastic, resistant to weathering and ultraviolet; they have a matte velvety surface, do not fade, and possess excellent adhesion. To get different color shades and tints the paints can be mixed together or diluted with water. Drying time varies from 20 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the outside temperature and layer thickness.

Terms and conditions of use and storage:

The surface must be cleaned of dirt and dust. Before applying the paint shake it vigorously and if necessary dilute with water. Different techniques can be used to apply the paints: by brush, sponge, and roller. Due to the special long thin tip of the bottle, the paint can also be used for dotty painting.

  • Keep out of the reach of children.
  • Use the paints only at a temperature above 10 °C.
  • All the tools for painting as well as clothes can be cleaned with water till the paint dries.

Package: 40ml bottles


  • This product cannot be transported at temperatures below 0C
  • The paint dries quickly in the air. Keep bottles tightly closed!
  • The colors on your screen can differ from the real ones.

Made in Ukraine by Fabrika Decoru
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