Set of sugar guelder rose berries White 20pcs

Set of sugar guelder rose berries White 20pcs
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Set of sugar guelder rose berries White 20pcs
Набор сахарных ягод калины Белый 20шт
Set of sugar guelder rose berries White 20pcs
Item No: FDberries_sugar-02
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Set of artificial sugar berries (20 pcs) of guelder rose. Used in arts and crafts also scrapbooking to decorate albums, greeting cards, photo frames, creating collages.  More

Set of artificial sugar berries (20 pcs) of guelder rose. Used in arts and crafts also scrapbooking to decorate albums, greeting cards, photo frames, creating collages. Berries are made from a foam, ball covered by a layer of soft vinyl and crystal powder, imitating ice. Very pleasant to the touch.

  • Do not fade under the influence of sunlight.
  • Set contains 10 threads of 2 berries;
  • The length of the thread is 15 cm, the berry's diameter is 12 mm.

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