Sequins Round flat, pink, #407

Sequins Round flat, pink, #407
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Sequins Round flat, pink, #407Sequins Round flat, pink, #407 - 0
Пайетки Круглые плоские, розовые, #407
Sequins Round flat, pink, #407Sequins Round flat, pink, #407 - 0
Item No: FDPPL-407
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Shop Sequins Round flat, pink, #407 to use these as a bright, shiny accent for your creative project!  More

Are you looking for an original, stunning embellishment to decorate your creative work? Sequins Round flat, pink, #407 makes bright accents in the design of any creative idea and its implementation! They are used in crafts and creativity, as decoration of cards, albums, boxes, decorative compositions. The sequins are also used for decorating clothes, fabrics, paintings, interior objects. Seedwork from the Factory Decoru are made of thin, colorful plastic


  • Format: 3mm;
  • Net weight: 15g;
  • Gross weight: 30g;

Made in PRC

Все привет! С Вами Лена (@lena_rukodilnik) Сегодня я к Вам с новеньким вдохновением в виде нежного подарочного конверта из волшебной коллекции «Peonygarden».    Эта коллекция невероятно вдохновительная, и перебирая бумажки, я снова вдохновилась этой красотой и решила сделать маленький по ...
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