Metallic paint, color Pearl 30 ml

Metallic paint, color Pearl 30 ml
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Metallic paint, color Pearl 30 mlMetallic paint, color Pearl 30 ml - 0
Краска металлик, цвет Жемчуг 30 мл
Metallic paint, color Pearl 30 mlMetallic paint, color Pearl 30 ml - 0
Item No: FDAM 01
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metallic paint, color pearl 30 ml is the perfect choice for both professional and amateur artists who wants to add a metallic sheen and luster effect to their art and mix-media work. It is specially designed to achieve a maximum gloss, coating strength and adhesion for a wide range of materials, from canvas and paper to wood and metal.  More

All-purpose water-soluble decorative metallic paint, color pearl 30 ml with metallic effect. Perfectly fits for scrapbooking, decoupage and various types of crafts. Used to simulate tints of different metals, can be easily applied to any clean surface (ceramics, wood, paper, cardboard, primed canvas, metal, leather). The paint has an opaque structure, mixes well with other acrylic paints, doesn’t fade, and has high paint coverage. Dries quickly.

Terms and conditions of use and storage:

  • Non-toxic

  • Keep out of reach of children

  • Package: 30ml bottles

Produced by TM “Fabrika Decoru”, Ukraine

  Гарного дня!Дівчата, покажемо вам як можна цікаво викрасити гіпсові рамки. В кінці сторінки вас чекає відео майстер клас. Для цього потрібно два відтінки фарби металік від ТМ Фабрика Декору та золота поталь. Поталь закріплюємо на прозорий глянсовий медіум, який наносимо лише по випуклих місц ...
Hello everyone!Today we are sharing with you an interesting project created by our designer Svetlana YarmusevitchDo not forget that Fabrika Decoru has prepared a bonus for you! At the end of the post, you will find a DISCOUNT PROMO CODE for the materials that Sveta used to create her project! Take a ...
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