Medium acrylic transparent glossy, 150ml

Medium acrylic transparent glossy, 150ml
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Medium acrylic transparent glossy, 150ml
Медиум акриловый прозрачный глянец, 150 мл
Medium acrylic transparent glossy, 150ml
Item No: FDMTG 150
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This medium acrylic transparent glossy, 150ml is perfect for art and crafts projects. It can be mixed with acrylic paints to reduce the intensity of the colors, creating semi-transparent effects without changing the consistency of the paint. After drying, this medium forms a transparent, elastic, and glossy surface. With this medium, you can create stunning artwork that stands out!  More

Medium acrylic transparent glossy when mixed with acrylic paints reduces the intensity of the colors, making them semi-transparent, without changing its consistency. Perfect for creating a final gloss coating collages on paper, uses as a glossy decoupage glue, varnish, transfer images to any prepared surface to create a glossy accents resist effect, gluing small topping (glitter, colored sand... ). After drying forms a transparent elastic glossy surface.

Application methods: brush, foam sponge, palette knife, roller. Brushes and tools immediately rinse after use by water.

  • Apply at temperatures above +5C.
  • After use tools, containers and workplace rinse with warm water.
  • Store in a tightly closed container at a temperature above +5C.
  • After contact with skin wash off with warm water and soap.
  • Do not give to children under 14 years. 
  • Vol.: 150ml.
Manufactured by "Fabrika Decoru", Ukraine.

Important! This product cannot be shipped at a temperature below 0°C

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