Glitter Blue, color shabby, 20 ml

Glitter Blue, color shabby, 20 ml
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Glitter Blue, color shabby, 20 mlGlitter Blue, color shabby, 20 ml - 0
Глиттер, цвет Голубой шебби, 20 мл
Glitter Blue, color shabby, 20 mlGlitter Blue, color shabby, 20 ml - 0
Item No: FDGL 19
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Apply Glitter Blue, color shabby, 20 ml and you get bright and shiny festive accents on the decorations and in your creative projects!  More

Glitter Blue, color shabby, 20 ml is a dry fine powder of sparkling particles.

It can be used in creativity, arts and scrapbooking to decorate greeting cards, invitations, album pages. Glitter allows you to create a sparkling, iridescent shiny surface. Applying this stunning and magical product, you can create bright accents on Christmas tree toys or on festive interior compositions.

Glitter is easy to use and economical to use. Has a high reflectivity.

Glitter can be mixed with any paste or glue and may use in any painting technique, simply applying this mix like paint onto the surface, using a brush. To achieve a brighter effect, you can use another method: apply the adhesive on the decorating surface, and while it does not dry out, sprinkle glitter on the adhesive layer.

Features of the application:

  • Non-toxic;
  • Keep tightly closed in a dry place;
  • Do not give to children under 14 years;
  • Volume: 20 ml.

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