Chalk spray White chalk 50ml

Chalk spray White chalk 50ml
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Chalk spray White chalk 50mlChalk spray White chalk 50ml - 0
Меловой спрей Белый мел 50мл
Chalk spray White chalk 50mlChalk spray White chalk 50ml - 0
Item No: FDMS-01
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Chalk spray White chalk 50ml is used to create an effect of silky-matt surface with pastel shades.  More

Chalk spray White chalk 50ml used for arts and crafts is a water-based mixture of ink, pigment, acrylic emulsions, and purified water. The spray is non-toxic, acid-free, suitable for usage on paper, cardboard, fiberboard, wood, fabric and all primed surfaces. After drying forms a silky matte finish of pastel colors with the effect of the painted chalk surface.

How to use:

  • Before use, shake the bottle vigorously

  • After work clean the sprayer with a wet cloth and put on the protective cover

  • This product is not subject to mandatory certification.

  • Do not give to children under 14 years

  • Package: 50ml bottles

Produced by TM “Fabrika Decoru”, Ukraine

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