Airy mousse metallic, color Mint

Airy mousse metallic, color Mint
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Airy mousse metallic, color MintAiry mousse metallic, color Mint - 0
Мусс металлик, цвет Мята, 50мл
Airy mousse metallic, color MintAiry mousse metallic, color Mint - 0
Item No: FDTA-15
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Create unique and eye-catching art and decorative projects with Airy mousse metallic, color Mint! This unique paste is great for scrapbooking, decoupage, mix-media and other crafts. With its metallic effect and the mousse's ability to create volumetric shapes, you can form unusual and expressive multicolored structures. Discover your creative potential with Airy mousse metallic today!  More

Airy mousse metallic, color Mint is the perfect all-purpose water-soluble paste for creating unique and eye-catching art and craft projects. With its metallic effect and ability to form textures of different colors, Airy mousse metallic provides a unique look for scrapbooking, decoupage, mixed-media, and other crafts. Create volumetric forms with stencils, mix the mousses to form new shades and tints, and use it in various painting techniques to simulate metal surfaces. With good adhesion to any clean defatted surface, such as ceramics, wood, paper, primed canvas, metal, leather, plastic, and glass, you can create beautiful projects with ease. Once dry, the mousse forms a durable glossy coating with a metallic luster.

Features of application:

  • The drying time depends on the thickness of a coating layer and can range from 5 minutes to 3 hours;

  • Non-toxic;

  • Keep out of reach of children;

  • The product is not a subject to mandatory certification;

  • Vol.: 50ml.

 Produced by TM "Fabrika Decoru", Ukraine.

Important! This product cannot be shipped at a temperature below 0°C
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